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Zachęcamy do przeczytania przewodnika po programie. Został on stworzony przez Waszych kolegów — studentów z Erasmus Student Network! Link do pliku: https://esn.org/sites/default/files/news/erasmus_e-book.pdf
EDYCJA 2025/2026
Rekrutacja rozpocznie się 27 stycznia (o godz. 13:00) i potrwa do 3 marca (do godz. 13:00).
Szczegóły rekrutacji i zasady wyjazdu znajdziesz na stronie: Erasmus+ studia 2025/2026
EDYCJA 2024/2025
Rekrutacja rozpocznie się 5 lutego (o godz. 14:00) i potrwa do 1 marca (do godz. 14:00).
Szczegóły rekrutacji i zasady wyjazdu znajdziesz na stronie Erasmus+ studia 2024/2025
EDYCJA 2023/2024
Szczegóły rekrutacji i zasady wyjazdu znajdziesz na stronie Erasmus+ studia 2023/2024.
Podczas rekrutacji na studenckie wyjazdy Erasmus+ jest szansa na zdobycie dodatkowego wsparcia finansowego od Santander Universidades Polska ‒ 2500 PLN! UŁ jest jedną z czterech polskich uczelni wybranych przez tę instytucję do udziału w programie, którego celem jest pomoc w udźwignięciu finansowego aspektu wyjazdu na wymianę studencką.
Rekrutacja 2025/2026: jak tylko będą znane szczegóły stypendium na bieżącą rekrutację, wstawimy tutaj szczegóły.
Termin aplikowania: do 19 kwietnia 2024 r.
Regulamin aplikowania o Stypendium Santander znajdziesz poniżej:
Pliki do pobrania
W pierwszej kolejności udaj się do Koordynatora Wydziałowego.
Listę aktualnych Koordynatorów możesz znaleźć poniżej.
Najbliższa rekrutacja odbędzie się 27 stycznia i potrwa do 3 marca 2025. Rekrutacja dotyczyć będzie wyjazdów w roku akademickim 2025/2026.
Rekrutacja odbywa się raz w roku i dotyczy wyjazdów na kolejny semestr zimowy lub letni. Składa się z kilku etapów:
Etap pierwszy
Złożenie wniosku o przyjęcie do programu przez USOSweb.
Etap drugi
Rozmowa z Wydziałową Komisją Rekrutacyjną.
Na co zwraca uwagę Komisja?
- znajomość języka obcego;
- średnia minimum 3,7 z całego okresu studiów;
- brak przedmiotów do nadrobienia;
- dodatkowe kryteria ustalone przez Wydział.
Etap trzeci
Rozpatrzenie kandydatury przez uczelnię, do której aplikujesz.
Etap czwarty
Wysłanie wymaganych dokumentów do zagranicznej uczelni.
Etap piąty
Wizyta w BWZ w celu dopełnienia ostatnich formalności oraz podpisania umowy na wyjazd.
O wyjazdy mogą ubiegać się osoby studiujące w UŁ (również doktoranci szkół doktorskich), niezależnie od posiadanego obywatelstwa, z zachowaniem równych szans osób każdej płci oraz osób z niepełnosprawnościami.
Możesz wyjechać do jednego z 26 państw UE (nie licząc Polski), a także Liechtensteinu, Islandii, Norwegii, Republiki Macedonii Północnej lub Turcji. Spis uczelni partnerskich UŁ możesz sprawdzić w systemie USOSweb.
Nie tracisz do niego prawa, jest ono nadal wpłacane na Twoje konto.
Tak. Dofinansowanie unijne jest wypłacane w kilku ratach - zarówno w przypadku studiów, jak i praktyk/stażu. Stypendium UE jest formą dopłaty do kosztów utrzymania i pobytu podczas wymiany za granicą, nie pokrywa jednak 100% wszystkich wydatków.
Tak. Osoby kończące studia mogą skorzystać z oferty stażów lub praktyk na zagranicznych uczelniach, które są posiadaczami Europejskiej Karty Erasmus+ dla Szkolnictwa Wyższego albo w firmach, które prowadzą działalność w krajach z programu Erasmus+. O wyjazd możesz starać się będąc studentem ostatniego roku, a staż lub praktykę, która trwa od 60 dni do 12 miesięcy, możesz odbyć w ciągu maksymalnie roku od obrony pracy dyplomowej.
Na każdym wydziale znajdziesz Koordynatora ECTS i Koordynatora Wydziałowego, którzy pomagają w następujących sprawach:
- Koordynator ECTS to osoba, z którą ustalasz LAS/LAT (Learning Agreement for Studies/Traineeships) przed wyjazdem na wymianę i w trakcie wymiany (zmiany w dokumencie). Po powrocie Koordynator potwierdza zaliczenie semestru na UŁ i tym samym uznanie efektów kształcenia.
Link do listy Koordynatorów ECTS: wyjazdy-zagraniczne/koordynatorzy-ects - Koordynator Wydziałowy to osoba, która podpisuje umowy bilateralne oraz odpowiada za proces rekrutacji na wyjazdy na studia/praktyki na macierzystym wydziale UŁ.
Link do listy Koordynatorów Wydziałowych: wyjazdy-zagraniczne/koordynatorzy-wydzialowi
Polecane linki:
Konwersja ocen zagranicznych na oceny w UŁ (obowiązująca dla programu Erasmus+ i innych programów wymiany studenckiej):
Skala ocen obowiązująca w UŁ:
5 bdb (very good)
4+ db+ (better than good)
4 db (good)
3+ dst+ (better than satisfactory)
3 dst (satisfactory)
2 ndst (unsatisfactory)
Odpowiedniki ocen ECTS:
A – EXCELLENT – outstanding performance = bdb
B – VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors = db+
C – GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors = db
D – SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings = dst+
E – SUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria = dst
F – FAIL – some more work required before the credit can be awarded; considerable further work required = ndst
17 – 20 = bdb
16 – 15 = db+
14 – 13 = db
12 – 11 = dst+
10 – 9 = dst
poniżej 9 = ndst
8,1 – 10,0 = bdb
6,5 – 8,0 = db+
5,5 – 6,49 = db
5,0 – 5,49 = dst
poniżej 5,49 = ndst
5 = bdb
4 = bdb
3 = db
2 = dst+
1 = dst
0 = ndst
17 – 20 = bdb
14 – 15 = db+
12 – 13 = db
11 – 12 = dst+
10 – 10,9 = dst
0 – 9,8 = ndst
10 = Matricula de honor = bdb
9 = Sobresaliente = bdb
8 – 8.9 = Notable = db+
7 – 7.9 = Notable = db
6 – 6.9 = Aprobado = dst+
5 – 5.9 = Aprobado = dst
0 – 4.9 = Suspenso = ndst
9 – 10 = bdb
8 – 8.9 = db+
7 – 7.9 = db
6 – 6.9 = dst+
5.5 – 5.9 = dst
Poniżej 5.5 = ndst
9-10 = bdb
8.0 – 8.9 = db+
7,0-7,9 = db
5,1 – 6,9 = dst+
5,0 = dst
0-4,9 = ndst
10-9 = bdb
8 = db plus
7 = db
6 = dst plus
5 = dst
Poniżej 5 = ndst
10 – 8 = bdb
7 = db plus
6 = db
5 = dst plus
4 = dst
3 – 1 = ndst
13 – 18 lub 1,0 – 2,0 = bdb
12 lub 2,3 = db+
9 – 11 lub 2,7 – 3,0 = db
8 lub 3,3 = dst+
4 – 7 lub 3,7 – 4,0 = dst
0 – 3 lub 5,0 = ndst
5,25 – 6 = bdb
4,75 – 5 – db+
4,5 = db
4,25 = dst+
4 = dst
Poniżej 4 = ndst
81%-100% = bdb
76%-80% = db+
66% – 75% =db
61%-65%= dst+
51%-60%= dst
0%-50%= ndst
5 = bdb
4 = db+
3 = db
2 = dst
1 = ndst
29 – 30 oraz 30 Lode = bdb
27 – 28 = db+
26 – 24 = db
23 – 22 = dst+
21 – 18 = dst
0 – 17 = ndst
Poniżej zamieszczamy treść i\lub pliki dokumentów:
- Erasmus Charter 2021-2027 (wersja PL i ENG)
- Erasmus Charter 2014-2020 (wersja ENG)
- Erasmus Policy Statement of the University of Lodz 2021-2027 (wersja ENG)
- Erasmus Policy Statement of the University of Lodz 2014-2020 (wersja ENG)
The long-term aim of the modernisation strategy of the University of Lodz is to educate the citizens of Europe that are skilled and live in an inclusive, democratic and responsible European society, as well as to maintain the unity of science, teaching and upbringing in the spirit of the European academic tradition. In the globalisation era, the development of university-level education and the implementation of scientific research requires cooperation going beyond the borders of individual universities and countries, in which these universities operate. The University of Lodz strongly supports the European Union’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is integral to the realisation of the university strategies and aspirations.
The values underlying the mission of the University of Lodz relate to community, innovation for development, openness and unity in diversity. They represent the attitude of European citizenship and responsibilities, fostering social and research innovation, as well as expanding regional cooperation across the clusters of local government, civil society actors and cultural life. The community of the UL believe that higher education has a power to make a significant intellectual, cultural and economic contribution to the world and is committed to international excellence through mobility and creation of world-changing projects within research and inspirational teaching.
The reflection on deep internationalization, the value of the united diversity of European languages and cultures and cross-border cooperation for a more inclusive and digitally enhanced academic experience have allowed to formulate the primary goals for the participation in the Erasmus Programme. These goals are interlinked, complement each other and rely on one another in many ways.
1. Extended Cooperation – cooperation is the foundation of the internationalisation strategy and is reflected in:
- Participation in European University initiative to provide a pan-European space for the mobility of people and ideas to integrate the new generation of creative Europeans collaborating in different languages, across the borders of states and disciplines, in order to rise to major social challenges and address the shortages of qualified staff in Europe.
- Forming consortia and networks with international partners to boost mobility and implement projects that develop innovation and improve the quality of education and research.
- Collaboration with other sectors of education, reaching out to schools, institutions of vocational training, as well as providing lifelong learning opportunities for the community.
- Setting alliances with business and local industry to better adjust the study offer to the changing requirements of the labour market, as well as transfer to academia the best practices from the world of work.
- Partnership with the city of Lodz, local NGOs, associations and groups to work jointly for the development of the region, fostering social projects, charity work, volunteering initiatives, as well as to develop the social innovation projects.
2. Quality of Education:
- Development and modernisation of educational offer by the introduction of new study programmes on Bachelor and Master level instructed in foreign languages on the basis of a thorough market research and in response to the global challenges.
- Continuous training of academic staff in teaching methodologies, with particular focus on the creation of online courses.
- Expended offer of elective subjects in foreign languages (also online) to provide international exchange students with greater flexibility in designing their study plans. They will be able to better match the subjects they attend to their personal interests, future career choices, as well as the requirements of the home institution, which will support recognition.
- Establishment of international joint degree programmes and double diploma programmes with international partners.
- Elaboration of new teaching formats and methodologies, as well as online and blended pedagogies, also in cooperation with the partners universities to benefit from a combined potential of academic expertise and offer didactics of high quality.
- Provision of knowledge based on the cutting-edge research that is fostered by the development of personal skills and attitudes much sought on the labour market but also stimulate social sensitivity, active engagement with community and environmental awareness.
- Create conditions for the acquisition of two languages except for the mother tongue among students and staff by offering language courses and developing language teaching pedagogies.
- Personalisation of students’ and doctoral students’ training, understood in terms of an individual approach, is a core objective of the university. It is intended to identify and foster their potential and develop academic passions from the very beginning of studies.
3. Digital Transformation:
- Digitisation of a mobility process starting from the application, through selection and contractual procedures, as well as during mobility and after mobility, including the process of recognition.
- Implementation of Erasmus Without Paper initiative to simplify the procedures related with mobility of students and staff.
- Adaptation of administrative processes to the requirements of a digital era.
- Provision of tool and methodologies for the elaboration of e-learning and blended learning courses, also in different languages.
4. Mobility for All:
- Active advocating for University employees to undergo mobility periods abroad, especially the academic and administrative staff that haven’t benefited from Erasmus+ mobility so far.
- Simplification of procedures connected with the mobility.
- Organisation of international staff weeks to maintain relations, establish new partnerships and form networks across boarders.
- Establishment of new directions for mobility to offer more diverse mobility opportunities to students and staff members.
- Design and implementation of a targeted promotional campaign to attract more students to undertake a semester period abroad, with a particular focus on faculties and programmes underrepresented in mobility.
- Full recognition of learning outcomes attained abroad.
- Support for the students and staff in less favourable conditions and coming from vulnerable backgrounds to undergo mobility, also in a virtual form, introduction of more flexible mobility formats, such as shorter forms of mobility, making additional grants available and provision of individualised institutional support for these students, active promotion of mobility opportunities, improvement of digital skills of students and staff through trainings and provision of tools that support remote work and virtual mobility.
5. Community Outreach:
- Engagement of students, also incoming ones with charity work, volunteering for the community, gaining experience in non-governmental sector.
- Promotion of social and civic engagement of outgoing students during their mobility and recognition of their involvement as examples of best practice.
- Organisation of events that promote engagement and bring together students across disciplines and from various faculties to work jointly in order to generate a social impact.
- Cooperation with Erasmus Student Network and support for their social projects.
- Advocating for the environmental issues, engagement in projects that foster the environmental awareness, provide tools helpful in mitigating the negative side of mobility, as well as abiding green practices when it comes to the marketing efforts of the University.
The above mentioned goals are aligned with the institutional strategy and are supported by the relevant objectives and activities to stimulate a process of a meaningful change in accordance with the “Free your mind” motto of the University of Lodz. They also respond to the objectives set by the challenges outlined in the strategic EU documents, such as the renewed agenda for HE that are faced by broadly understood education in Europe. They are meant to foster job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion and respect for the European identity in its entire diversity. Tackling skills mismatches for better employability, building inclusive and connected higher education systems for equity and solidarity, fostering innovation and the reform for more effective and efficient higher education systems the University of Lodz will contribute to the development of a stable and competitive European Education Area in relation to the rest of the world.
International programmes are among priorities in the scientific and educational activity of the University of Lodz (UL). This has been indicated by the participation in the 6th and 7th Framework Programme, and in the Erasmus Programme (as part of the Lifelong Learning Programme), as well as the former Socrates and Tempus programmes. All the UL Faculties have been recently involved in actions targeted at internationalization, and the idea has been expressed in the documents pertaining to the University’s mission and strategy.
Academic partners of the University of Lodz are mostly HEI’s from European countries (both EU members and non-EU). The contacts are based on framework bilateral agreements as well as the Erasmus programme agreements. The UL holds also partnership with HEI’s from other parts of the world, ie. Asia, North and South America, through the means of framework agreements on teaching and research cooperation. Among non-EU European countries, priority is given to Ukraine, while Kazakhstan is the priority non-European country. A number of cooperation agreements with HEI’s of these two countries have been recently signed, which will enable exchange of teaching staff and students, as well as joint educational and research projects.
The assumptions of the UL international cooperation policy include the fulfillment of several primary goals related to the increase of internalization of the actions conducted at the University.
The goals are below:
- To increase the mobility of students of all levels and fields of study – this is reflected by the increase in the number of bilateral agreements signed by the University of Lodz, and by the variety of academic disciplines available for mobility.
- To promote the development of study programmes instructed in foreign languages. The present offer comprises interdisciplinary modules and course modules for foreign students on a 1- or 2- semester mobility, as well as full-time I and II cycle programmes aimed at those who intend to pursue a UL degree (the English-instructed programmes developed to date include: management, modern philology, economics, informatics and econometrics, ecohydrology, computer science, administration, international marketing, gender studies). In near future, programmes held in Spanish and Russian, as well as III cycle studies in certain fields, are planned for start.
- To make the UL academic offer appeal to non-European students seeking admission for I, II, and III cycle programmes.
- To develop the student placement system, whether for fields of study with obligatory placement, or the remaining fields of study.
- To increase the teaching staff mobility through maintaining the existing educational cooperation, and develop new contacts, which includes cooperation in the scope of organization of joint courses for international participants, and, if possible, joint/double degrees.
- To include teacher mobility as a factor in the staff periodic evaluation system: the mobility will be weighted high as an assessment factor.
- To increase the existing non-teaching staff mobility as a way to improve functioning of the University’s administration.
- To learn from the experience gained by the participation in the Erasmus programme to date, as well as other educational programmes, and to maintain the existing good practice in implementing guidelines for international cooperation. The range of tasks related to international programmes includes: the constant improvement of rules and procedures of recruitment, monitoring the quality of instruction the student receives abroad, recognition of study outcomes achieved at partner universities, integration of incoming students through the system of mentors and the orientation programme, integration of incoming teachers into the UL study curricula, maintaining international contacts in the scope of mobility, and managing the programmes at the University.
- To make use of international cooperation in the Erasmus programme to date as a basis for joint educational programmes, as well as for joint science and research projects